Our Chance Read online

Page 7

  "You can be involved," Chloe said, leaning on Logan's shoulder.

  He scoffed. "That's not what you told me last night."

  "Only because you said you want a screen in the reception room if football's on."

  "Logan!" Nell said, shaking her head just before I had the chance to argue that that was a perfectly valid request. Apparently it wasn't. Weddings went on for ages and a match was only ninety minutes long. It wasn't like he wanted to spend the entire time in front of a TV.

  He raised his hands up. "It's not happening, I get that now."

  It was nice to see their excitement. Though I did think they were both so young still. But I suppose that didn't matter because they were the perfect match and balanced each other out. And it was plain to see that they were in love.

  "Are you having a morning, afternoon or evening ceremony?"

  "I thought about morning but then I figured..."

  Me and Logan looked at each other and he shrugged as they carried on discussing wedding plans.

  Smirking he said, "Again, I'll just turn up."

  It looked like he was going to have to because by the time the girls had finished, they pretty much had everything planned out.

  "You suggested Scotland, right? That's almost a say," I offered.

  He nodded. "Yeah. She ran with it and found a castle but I suppose it came from me."

  "You're not sold on the castle?"

  "Couldn't fucking care less, man. We'll see next week I guess."

  "Oh that's right," I said, nudging Nell's arm. "Dirty weekend next week."

  "You're getting no sleep that weekend," she replied.

  Leaning my arm over her chair, I said, "Didn't plan to."

  I drove back to Nell's after dinner and it was finally the part that I was really looking forward to. Meeting up with Chloe and Logan was great but having Nell all to myself was much better. She was driving me crazy and absentmindedly playing with her hair, giving me the occasional flash of neck. A neck I wanted to be kissing.

  "Are you okay?" I asked. She still seemed a bit distant. Her mind was elsewhere.

  "I'm fine. Sorry, just family stuff. Nothing I can't handle though. Parents can be a nightmare sometimes."

  "Yes, they can be. Sure you're alright?"


  I parked behind her car and we walked into her place. She wasn't going to share why her parents were a nightmare and I didn't want to push her, so I let it go.

  "Do you want a shower?" She asked, turning around and raising her eyebrow.

  "What? Now?"

  "Me. You. Wet."

  I mentally undressed her and felt a straining against my trousers. "When you put it like that..." Suddenly it seemed like the best idea ever, even if the timing was a little off.

  She started unbuttoning her shirt. "Good. I'll rub you down if you rub me down."

  Oh fucking hell. I felt my eyes dilate so much I could barely see.


  So we were flying to Scotland in a plane that looked like a toy. The anticipation of my steamy weekend away had turned into pure fear of crashing in that tiny tin can. And not even Chloe shared my fears.

  "Nell, will you stop looking at the plane. Everything's going to be fine," she said, stirring her cinnamon spiced latte.

  We had thirty minutes before we needed to board and were spending it drinking coffee in the cafe. My cappuccino was doing nothing and nowhere in here sold alcohol. I was screwed.

  Damon put his hand on my thigh under the table. "Relax. It won't crash."

  "And how do you know that?"

  "I just do. We're going to be fine."

  "Okay, I'm gonna need a little more than that."

  He sighed and squeezed his hand. "Alright, if we crash I'll lay under you so I break your fall. Happy?"

  Happy? "No, not happy."

  "You're being impossible, has anyone got a Valium?"

  "I don't need drugging, Damon."

  He flashed me a smile as his hand travelled higher. "It's not for you."

  "Oh how very funny you are," I said, catching his hand before it went to the inside of my leg.

  I could see Chloe grinning at us out of the corner of my eye. She was obsessed with the idea of me and Damon being a couple. In an ideal world that would be great. I really liked the guy; he was fun and killer in bed. But we didn't live in an ideal world.

  "I wasn't joking, Nell," he replied. "The plane is fine and we're going to be fine."

  "Okay, but when it's plummeting out of the sky and we're hurtling to our death I'm so saying I told you so."

  "Go for it. Jesus, I think I'm just going to have to fuck you in the bathroom for the whole hour it takes to get there."

  Logan and Chloe laughed, but I wasn't so sure he was joking on that either.

  I held my hands up. "I'm letting it go. I'm sure the tiny, rickety old plane will get us there without a hitch. Are we looking around the castle first, Chlo?"

  "No, we can check-in first and then meet up afterwards, save lugging our stuff around. I hope it's as nice as it looks in the pictures."

  It was a castle in Scotland. How could it not be?

  "I'm sure it is. Are you setting a date this weekend if you love it?"

  Logan looked at Chloe for the answer. Bless him he would do absolutely anything to make her happy. I bet he didn't care where they got married. I bet Chloe didn't either actually but they deserved their dream wedding, they'd been through a lot to get together.

  "I think so, if we're both set on it."

  "Still summer this year?" I asked. That got a negative reaction from Logan. He wanted to marry her immediately but Chloe was a little more traditional than that and wanted to plan a big wedding and celebrate with all of their family and friends.

  "It depends on the dates. Maybe spring if we can."

  "Better," Logan mumbled. It was February now so they really didn't have long, but that was what they both wanted. I was so damn excited for them, they were adorable together. It was sickening really.

  Our flight was called so my telekinetic powers obviously hadn't developed enough to seriously damage the engine. I took Damon's hand and followed an excited Logan and Chloe to our gate.

  "Focus on getting hot and sweaty in the hotel room while the snow falls outside," Damon said, trying to loosen my death grip on his hand. That did sound romantic. Our sex was usually dirty, frantic and needy, so romance actually sounded...nice.

  "Sounds perfect," I replied.

  A little too perfect.

  We had to walk to the plane and climb the steps. The fucking thing was only about three of me long. Okay, I was exaggerating slightly but I didn't think commercial planes could be so tiny. Not even fifty people could fit in here.

  Damon and I took our seats behind Chlo and Logan. I made the mistake of sitting next to the window so I could see the rickety wings moving in the icy February wind. Thankfully there was no snow or ice but what about the other end? Scotland was notoriously colder than England. What if our pretend plane hit ice on landing? We'd have no chance.

  Note to self: If they choose this castle I'm driving up.

  "Do we fly over the sea?" I asked.

  "I'm not sure. Why?"

  "Just trying to work out our best chances of survival. The plane is small so could make an emergency landing in a field but surely the best chance is on water?"

  "Alright, I'm banning you from talking about the plane."

  "You can't ban me from anything."

  "Maybe not but I can make it really annoying if you try."

  "How do you-"

  "Ba," he said.


  "Da da da."

  I took a deep breath. Right, that was what he was doing. "Are you three, Dam-"

  "Nelly, Nelly," he sang until I slapped my hand over his mouth. Chloe and Logan chucked in front of us.

  "Alright, enough, I won't mention it again," I snapped, shoving his hand away.

  "So my folks are visiting next week
end and want to meet you," he said as casually as if he was telling me the time.

  "I'm sorry what?"

  He rolled his eyes. "I wouldn't introduce you as my wife, so calm down."

  I fucking know he wouldn't. "Why do they want to meet me?"

  "Last time I was there I took a call from you and then the questions started. I guess you, Chloe and Logan are the only people I've really mentioned since I moved here. Don't give me that look, if you weren't phone stalking me they wouldn't want to meet you."

  I coughed in disbelief. "Me stalking you? I think you put in way more booty calls than I do."

  "Oh, that is so not true. Damn, I knew I should've kept a tally."

  Chloe glanced over her shoulder and grinned at us through the gap between the chairs. Bitch. I almost wanted to stop arguing with Damon so she'd stop doing that annoying, smug face but there was no way I was letting Damon win this.

  "Damon, you call me more."

  "No, I don't."

  I glared. How could we settle this? There was no way of remembering all the times and who'd instigated them.

  "Whatever, let's just say that I make the calls the most," he said.

  "Yes, let's, because you do. Anyway, I'll meet your parents but if you make one marriage joke I'm out of there."

  "Deal. You're not the marrying type so it'd be pointless."

  "What's that supposed to mean?"

  In front Logan winced along with Damon.

  He held his hand up. "That sounded nowhere near as bad in my head."

  "What. Do. You. Mean?" I hissed.

  "I mean you make no secret of the fact that you'd rather chop off your own head than settle down. Obviously I don't mean that no one would want to marry you." He looked rightfully scared.

  "That wasn't very obvious."

  "Hey," he said, lifting my chin. "I would never think that about you, Nell. If it's not clear that I think you're the perfect woman by now, then you're blind." He extended his index finger and added, "And before you say, I'm not telling you this because I want more, I know you don't want anything heavy."

  I didn't know what to say to that. I wasn't perfect. Who was? Knowing Damon thought I was though, made me slightly more optimistic for a future with someone rather than cat avenue where I was headed right now.

  We were - thankfully! - interrupted by the stewardess telling us where the life jackets and exits were, all of which did nothing to calm my jittery nerves.

  There was no awkwardness as Damon lent over to double check my belt was buckled. Don't worry, buddy, that's the first thing I fucking did.

  Our relationship may not be conventional but I did love how well we got along and how nothing ever seemed to be too awkward to talk about. Though I had been a little uncomfortable when he said I was 'perfect' but that was a reflection on me and not 'us'.

  I was supposed to be the strong, confident one, and I was, but that meant I tried extra hard to bury any insecurities I had. Which was plain ridiculous because there wasn't one person out there who didn't have any.

  "Ready?" Damon asked, smirking.

  "As I'll ever be. Do you think they sell wine?"

  He laughed. "Probably, but it's not a long flight. I am not carrying your drunken arse anywhere."

  "Yes, you would, you've done it plenty of times before. Hey, remember when I had to carry you home?"

  "You remember why you had to do that?" he asked.

  I bit my lip. I'd ordered doubles for him and he hadn't realised until the sixth drink. "Whoops."

  "Yeah, whoops," he repeated, narrowing his intense eyes.

  I sat back as we started to move. Damon's hand soon found mine and I relaxed a little.

  The flight passed surprisingly quickly. Damon kept me entertained by chatting about absolute crap. Chloe and Logan spent most of it being loved up, where Damon and me spent it arguing over who would tire who out first. I was determined to win.

  He flashed me a cocky smile. "I think you'll find I'm the one who's up for the next round first."

  The plane dropped a fraction and so did my heart.

  He laughed and flexed his fingers, telling me to loosen my death grip. "We're landing soon, Nell, we need to be closer to the ground to do that."

  "Fuck off," I hissed, making him laugh again.

  I closed my eyes as we slowly descended to the runway. Please just let us make it safely.

  We bumped to the ground and the fucking thing wobbled. My eyes flew open and I pressed my face into Damon. If anything happened to us I wanted to be as close to him as I could get right now. I wanted him to be the last thing I saw, touched and smelt.

  He placed a kiss to the top of my head and whispered, "It's fine, we made it."

  I still didn't allow myself to breathe properly until the plane had come to a stop and we were told to unfasten our belts and get off.

  Leaping up, I left the plane before everyone else and felt so relieved I could kiss the tarmac.

  We were officially in Scotland.

  And it was fucking freezing.

  I wrapped my coat around myself and huddled against Damon's side as we made our way into the airport. "I'm so glad we're not looking at a winter wedding," Chloe said, jogging to get inside.

  I shot her a look. "Me too, or I wouldn't bloody come."

  When we got in, Damon and Logan went to wait for our suitcases while we found a seat, sitting close for warmth.

  "Are you excited?" I asked.

  She smiled so beautifully that it made me aww inside. "I can't wait to get the wedding booked, wherever we choose. I'm so ready to be Mrs Scott."

  Would I ever be ready to be Mrs anyone? I couldn't picture it. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't see me in a marriage. I wouldn't repeat history.


  We arrived at the hotel - castle - and I dashed inside quickly, rubbing my hands together in the hope it'd bring the numb, motionless icicles I called fingers back to life. I didn't realise this level of cold existed. Snow looked pretty and snow covering a castle looked beautiful, but bloody hell it was freezing.

  "I got your case, Nell," Damon said sarcastically as he entered the hotel a few seconds later.

  "I can't feel my feet. I'm positive that when I take my socks off my toes will still be in them."

  He laughed and let go of our bags in favour of holding me. "How about when we get to our room I warm you up?"

  Logan made a gagging sound and took Chloe to reception to check in.

  "Hmm," I replied, stepping closer to him. "I think I like the sound of that."

  "Damon, Nell," Chloe called. "Come on, I've got your key."

  I sighed and narrowed my eyes. "They better not be ruining our fun all weekend."

  "I think the fun starts after we get that key from her," he said, letting go of me and grabbing the handles of the cases. "Go get it."

  Turning on my heel, I stalked towards my best friend. She had better not try anything stupid like hiding the key or trying to keep it out of my reach. Chlo handed it over with a smirk. "Do you want to meet in five minutes to take a look around?"

  "No," I replied tightly, glaring at her expression.

  Logan shrugged and said 'I'll only need three' which made everyone laugh. From the few stories I'd managed to pry out of Chloe he could last a lot longer than that.

  Chloe rolled her eyes. "Lucky me."

  "Best three minutes of your life, sweetheart."

  "You two are so sad," I said shaking my head. "So...our rooms are where?"

  "Third floor, lifts are this way," Logan said, taking Chloe's hand and walking to the corridor going left. "Thankfully our rooms aren't too close though."

  "Whatever do you mean, Logan?" I asked, bumping Damon's shoulder as he smirked down at me.

  "He means they don't want to hear you screaming my name all night."

  Logan looked over his shoulder. "What he said."

  We got in the lift and since there was an old couple riding with us we opted for silence. I leant against the wall
and hooked my finger around the waistband of Damon's dark jeans. Of course I knew that I wouldn't win a game of who can feel up who more in public, because he had no shame, but that didn't stop me from doing it.

  He raised his arm and I held my hand up. Okay, this was a bad idea. His eyes were on my boobs so no doubt his hand would've been if I hadn't stopped him.

  "I'm disappointed, Nell," he whispered.

  "Yeah, well, I'm stopping us being arrested."

  "Where's the fun in that?"

  "If you spend the weekend in a cell..."

  "Ah," he said, grinning. He couldn't spend it in me. "Good thinking. I'm very much looking forward to this."

  I gulped and licked my newly bone dry lips. The temperature had risen a lot in the last few seconds. "So am I."

  The lift doors slid open. Chloe and Logan walked out with their arm wrapped around each other, Logan calling over his shoulder that we'd meet in reception in three hours. Damon took a step back and started to pull our bags along with him. I took a breath and followed.

  We didn't see Chloe and Logan again, their room was at the end of the hall, so Damon let us in and my mouth dropped. Our room was gorgeous - it was also a suite. When did he upgrade us? The bed looked so comfortable I wanted to ditch Chloe's wedding plans and tie Damon to it for the weekend.

  It took me a minute to take everything in, the high ceiling, large seating area, bathroom that looked bigger than my flat. When I turned back to Damon he was looking around also, but he was concentrating on everything he saw.

  "What're you doing?" I asked.

  "There are at least seven things in this room I'm going to take you on or over this weekend," Damon said in his ultra casual way. Okay, that's what he was doing.

  "Hmm, I'm definitely glad I brought you with me," I replied, wrapping my arms around his neck when he stalked over to me. He held me flush with his body and dipped his head, stopping just short of my lips. "Are you teasing me, Damon?"

  "Oh yeah, we're alone for the next three hours, I'm horny as hell and I want to hear you beg."

  His words hit me down south. Every. Single. Time.

  I bit my lip, knowing that drove him crazy. "Oh you think I'm going to beg you?"

  "No, I know you are."

  He ran his hands down my sides and up my top, skimming the skin just above the waistband of my jeans. "We'll see."

  His eyes were ablaze with hunger for the challenge and I was pretty sure mine were too. I loved playing this game with him. It always ended in frantic, raw, selfish sex. Damon's hands settled on my hips and in one swift movement I was airborne and flying backwards onto the huge mattress.